By the grace of God my living space, car, etc., was not affected by the Nashville Flood. But, oh how my life was! So many people lost so much in this storm. Some lost their car, their house, even their life. Most of these people are unknown to me personally, but they are in my prayers. Some of those affected are close friends and people I highly look up to. I hear their stories, I see pictures in the news and social networking sites, and I've seen firsthand some of the damage done. Although I didn't lose anything in the flood, my heart silently and slowly broke out of heartache for my friends and the people of Nashville. It made me realize how selfish I've been. In the past week I've done nothing but care about what's going on in my own little personal world. I haven't helped anyone and I haven't lived for the glory of God in every encounter. I've wasted the past week. How selfish am I?
My brother in Christ, my friend, and my Pastor was hit hard by the flood. His car is gone and his house is ruined. They are going to probably have to demo their house and find a new place to live in Nashville. And as all this hit his life unexpectedly, he organizes an opportunity to help the community with a huge smile on his face.
Liberty University donated 230 plus bottles of water to The Axis Church to distribute throughout the Germantown/Salemtown neighborhood of Nashville. Pastor J came out with a smile, forgot his troubles, and helped his community. I am so thankful that God used him to help those in need. God is AWESOME!! Twenty plus supercool people from The Axis Church came out to help with distribution. We even had some awesome guys from Sojourn Church in Huntsville, AL drive out and offer their trucks to help. This experience reminded me that it's not about me. It's not about what I want. God has something bigger planned.
We loaded up the trucks and dove into the neighborhood. The people were so happy to see us, maybe as happy as I was to see them. The first man I talked to was sitting on his front porch smoking a cigar. He had an eye patch and a broken leg. He looked at me funny as I walked up to him, probably wondering, 'what in sam hill is this big white boy with spiky hair doing?'
I said, "Hi ya doin' sir? I've got a package of water here for ya!"
"Aww, well thank you so much son! I just heard that the city water is dirty and we shouldn't be using it... and right after I took myself a durn bath!" he replied.
I laughed, "Well, I hope this helps you out some. My name's Ross. I'm with The Axis Church here in town." I can't remember what he told me his name was but I remember his firm handshake and his huge smile. I invited him to join us on Sunday, I hope I will see him.
I met a lot of other people and exchanged pleasantries with them. Everyone had such a big smile! We came to a little apartment complex and handed out water to each door. As I was leaving a man asked me, "Hey what church y'all from?"
"The Axis Church!" I replied.
"Man, y'all are great! You know when you do something good for somebody, then they do something good for somebody, and it creates this chain. God bless y'all!" he smiled at me.
"Well, God bless you too sir!" I replied.
Passing out one package of water to a family may seem small amidst all the devastation, but it creates a chain of events, like the man said. It plants a seed into our neighbors so that ultimately we can spread the gospel to them. What a HUGE God we serve! I am so happy that God could used me for His glory. I didn't do anything today. God did things through me and through my other brothers and sisters who came to help.
I'm left dumbfounded at the incredible ways God can bring us together and teach us that there is something bigger going on then just you and I. It amazes me the way God uses experiences to teach me and bring me joy in glorifying Him. I have fallen in love with this city, with my Axis family, and with my savior Jesus.
Thank you to Pastor J of The Axis Church and everyone from Axis who came to help. Big thanks to Pastor D from Sojourn in Huntsville, AL and the other Sojourn guys who came to help. And thank You God for Your mercy, lovingkindness, and amazing grace.
It's time we become part of something bigger than ourselves. We don't have to have a disaster to help others. We should help each other everyday and spread Gods good news of salvation. The world is a big place, but God is bigger. We can't make it on our own. We need a savior. We have a savior! God is bigger then everything. His love and incredible grace is enough to cover any and everything! NOTHING can separate us from His love. God bless...
Beer Fears!
5 years ago
I've always found it so amazing that when we serve others for God, we are the ones who end up being served the most.
ReplyDeleteIt's like a blessing in disguise.
Scripture rings so true... That when we try to outgive or outserve God, He opens the floodgates and pours out His blessings on us.